Chapter 3

Asking Help in Savaria!

      "Mark, you should request some reinforcements in Savaria." said Jay.

      "Who can we ask there?" said Wave.

      "The bandit leader," said Jay.

      "Well we can at least try," said Lucy.

      "Great, in the meantime. I will load up the troops to the crafts." said Jay.

      The crew returns to the ship and heading to Savaria.

      "So Lucy, what worries you about the bandits?" said Mark.

      "Well, my master used to fight them." said Lucy, "I am not sure if it will work out."

      The heroes have arrived in Savaria, searching for the bandit leader.

      "Hmm, I wonder where is their leader." said Lucy.

      "There he is!" said Mark pointing at a small island, the leader is in the tent.

      "I guess we will swim over there?" said Prince Light.

      "It's not too bad, it is not too far from here to there." said Lucy.

      They swim to the little island, the bandit leader is alarmed!

      "Who are you?" said the bandit leader.

      "We are not here to harm you, we need your help." said Lucy.

      "We need an army to stop Durza and his large army." said Mark.

      "Hmm, let me see what I can do to help." said the bandit leader, "I have to train some more bandits, it will take some time."

      "I understand," said Lucy.

      "I will get them going once they are ready." said bandit leader.

      "Oh, that reminds me." said Rowan, "we can ask my father for help."

      "No harm to try." said Lucy.
